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The official Dtb Firmware Download Center. Featuring the latest software updates, Nulled PhP scripts, Nulled WordPress themes, Nulled WordPress plugins, games for Apps and drivers for Windows, Office, Xbox
Platform | File Type | Download Link | Download size |
We recomment: Unlimited universal Pro (universal pro is a free (GPL, libre/free software and easy-to-use) | .bin | [alternate free download link ZIP+Guide] https://www.dtbfirmware.com/file/dtb-firmware-unlimited-pro/ | 10.49-2 4 MiB (4199216 B) (20/April/2024) |
Dtb firmware version 9.8 (installation guide, latest version) | .bin | [alternate free download link ZIP+Guide] https://www.dtbfirmware.com/file/dtb-firmware-version-9-8-download/ | 10.01-2 4 MiB (4199216 B) (20/April/2024) |
Dtb firmware version 9.7 (universal) (included free installation guide, latest version) | .bin | [alternate download link + Guide] https://www.dtbfirmware.com/file/dtb-firmware-v9-7-universal/ | 3.49-2 4.3 MiB (4513224 B) (20/May/2024) |
Dtb firmware version 3.0 (included free installation guide, latest version) | .bin | [alternate free download link. Zip + Guide] https://www.dtbfirmware.com/file/dtb-firmware-version-3-0/ | 3.49-2 4.43 MiB (4640129 B) (20/May/2024) |
Previous versions (included free installation guide, latest version) | .bin | [alternate free downloa link. ZIP file + Guide] https://www.dtbfirmware.com/file-category/dtb-firmware/ | 3.49-2 4.83 MiB (5064206 B) (20/May/2024) |
Dtb firmware Free downloads (included free installation guide, latest version) | .bin | [alternate free download link.ZIP + Guide] https://www.dtbfirmware.com/file-category/dtb-firmware/ | 3.49-2 1.75 MiB (1835116 B) (20/May/2024) |
Android (>= 2.2) on Google Play Dtb firmware (Android) | .bin | com.dtbfirmware https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dtbfirmware | 3.47.99 (trunk) 2.22 MiB |
Safe Nulled PHP Scripts | Cms | https://www.dtbfirmware.com/file-category/php-scripts/ | |
Safe Nulled WordPress plugins | WordPress | https://www.dtbfirmware.com/file-category/wordpress/plugins/ | |
Safe Nulled WordPress Themes | WordPress | https://www.dtbfirmware.com/file-category/wordpress/themes/ |